THE CAMPUS RIOTERS ARE NOT ONLY ANTISEMITIC BUT HYPOCRITICAL - SJP and AMP are terrorist supporting organizations and should be expelled from US campuses.

By: Joseph Puder

Friday, May 24, 2024


Those who might question whether the pro-Hamas and anti-Israel campus protesters are antisemitic, and at the same time inquire about the double standards being used by some in the mainstream media, I suggest looking at the following case.  


The United Nation reported that “close to 25 million people in Sudan – more than half of the population - are estimated to need assistance, with approximately 17.7 million people facing “acute” levels of food insecurity. The crisis, described as being of 

epic proportion” by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), is exacerbated by limited access to vulnerable communities…”


To date, there have been no campus protests over the devastating starvation in Sudan where more people have been killed and, far more people are starving, than in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the media and the international community are nearly exclusively focused on Gaza, while coverage of Sudan is a very low priority.  


Sudan, unlike Gaza, is not receiving large convoys of humanitarian aid. Moreover, the Sudanese are engaged in a civil war, whereas in Gaza, Hamas provoked the conflict with Israel, motivated by jihad.  


Unprovoked, Hamas has been attacking Israeli civilians with rockets since 2007 when it captured Gaza from their Fatah rivals.  Rocket attacks continued well into 2023 when they upped their game with their brutal incursion into Israel on October 7th.


Nearly 3000 murderers, with GoPro video machines attached to their headbands, filmed the carnage of the slaughter of 1,200 civilians, the brutal rapes of woman and, the kidnapping of more than 250 civilians pulled from their homes and kept in underground tunnels in Gaza. 


The major media in the US and in the West, in general, have obsessively reported the false body count and starvation in Gaza while ignoring the far greater and more real case of starvation in Sudan.


USA Today’s headline on May14, 2024, read “United Nations cuts estimates for deaths of women and children  in Gaza in half.”  The UN along with most of the Western media took at face value the casualty numbers released by Hamas’ health ministry, which any reasonable person would suspect as being false and exaggerated given Hamas’ propensity to lie and smear Israel as a “killer of women and children.” In fact, even the updated figures do not reflect reality since almost half of the casualties among the Palestinians were Hamas fighters killed in battle.


Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Arab Muslims for Palestine (AMP) didn’t create mayhem on US campuses when more than half million Arab Muslims were butchered in Syria, mostly by Bashar Assad’s dictatorship and his patrons the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah, a proxy of Iran. The recent chaos created on US campuses by SJP and AMP in the name of “justice” only occurred because it involved the Jewish state.


If these campus protesters had a shred of decency, and weren’t hypocritical antisemites, they would protest the true victims of starvation and death in Sudan. But then again, let us remember who the instigators and their primary organizers in these campus protests are – SJP, AMP. Their aim is not justice for the Palestinians but the demise of the Jewish state.


Israel had the legal and moral right to go into Gaza in pursuit of the Hamas Nukhba Force murderers. The fence Israel erected between the Israeli communities enveloping Gaza was to prevent the Hamas killers from doing what Hamas actually perpetrated on October 7, 2024.


Clearly, the SJP and AMP are interested in the triumph of Islam, and as such, for them the entire Middle East belongs to the realm of Islam (Dar al-Islam), and the Jewish state is an obstacle to be removed. These antisemitic hypocritical organizations and their supporters have done nothing to stop Hamas from attacking Israel, and more crucially, they have done nothing for the people of Gaza who are oppressed by the dictatorial regime that is Hamas. 


The “student protesters” celebrating the butchery of Israelis were educated/brainwashed by the likes Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian Arab and an Edward Said (another Palestinian Arab) professor of History at Columbia. Professor Joseph Massad is another Palestinian Arab (born in Jordan to a Palestinian Arab family) teaching Middle East History at Columbia, and then of course, there is the long-standing anti-Israel legacy of Edward Said. Thus, at Columbia there is no diversity of opinion on the Middle East, but rather strong pro-Palestinian indoctrination. 


Qatar and other Muslim states have poured billions of dollars to buy influence in America, and on campuses in particular. They bought academic chairs in Ivy League universities, thus ensured that pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel indoctrination would be part of the academic offerings.


The demise of the US and the West will be the result of tolerance of evil. The Midrash points out that, “He who is compassionate to the cruel will ultimately become cruel to the compassionate.” American naïveté and self-deception have encouraged anti-American, anti-Western, and anti-democratic groups such as SJP and AMP.  Thus, enabling them to transform naïve Americans into antisemitic bullies in the name of “free speech,” which is in fact “hate speech.”  


When shouting “From the River to the Sea Palestine Will be Free,” these inciters reveal their aim, the liquidation of the Jewish State.  Israel, however, isn’t the only target of these Islamist organizations - they aim for the downfall of America as we know it as well. American flags are being burned along with Israeli flags by these “students” just like in Iran. Many of these “students” are well paid outside agitators.


America must get tough with school administrators and those faculty members who incite against both America and Israel and defunds and/or expels them from our campuses. America’s downfall will not be a result of an external attack, but rather the result of unobstructed and uncontrolled agitation on college campuses, funded by authoritarian Muslim regimes, and operating because US laws against terror supporting organizations and states are not being enforced. 


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