The War in the Ukraine: A Potential for a World war

By: Joseph Puder

When Nazi Germany marched into the Sudetenland (then part of Czechoslovakia) under the pretext of uniting the German speaking people, the Western powers didn't interfere, they actually advised the Czecks to live with the situation, rationalizing that it is not worth to go to war for the Sudetenland. Similarly, the US under Obama in 2014, did the same when Putin's Russia invaded Crimea under the same pretext. Putin, like Hitler, sensed that the West won't lift a finger to stop him. He sensed that the West, with its comfortable life and won't resort to military action. He then pushed on to the Donbass region in Eastern Ukraine with the same pretext of uniting Russian speaker with Russia. The West reacted again with empty words and with economic sanction, that were laughable insofar as Putin and his clique were concerned. Putin must have recalled that Hitler moved in less than a year to swallow all of Czechoslovakia, including its skoda armament works. Britain and France appeased Hitler and like Biden made it clear that they don't intend to use military force. Putin, sensing Biden's weakness, and the European dread of any kind of military action, is proceeding as I write to take over all of the Ukraine.

Xi Jinping, watching from the sidelines the passivity of the West, and Putin's success in reversing the world order in Europe, is being convinced that this is an opportune time to move on Taiwan. Will the US under Biden send tens of thousands of US Marines to stop Xi's China, I doubt that. And if Biden does, we will be at the threshold of a World War. Moreover, China's move will be coordinated with Russia's next move to the NATO member states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. There will be mass protests in Western capitals against Russia's aggression but louder noises against war. Biden's mind and body won't be able to sustain the tension, and the US will find itself in a political crisis. Russian tanks will then mobilize along the borders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Moldova would be swallowed beforehand. The small number of US and NATO troops will be quickly evacuated from the Baltic states. What the US will be left with is the option of using nuclear weapons, and that is a nightmare scenario.

America and the West have not learned yet the lessons of WWII. It is better, safer, and wiser to deter an aggressor early rather than pay the price in human suffering later. The only language that dictators like Putin, Xi Jinping, and the Ayatollahs understand is brute force. Sanctions are like aspirin to heal a cancer.

What we needed to do in Ukraine is to declare a 'No fly Zone" around the major cities of the Ukraine, and provide the Ukraine with offensive weapons. Instead, Biden, much like Chamberlain declared early that the US won't defend Ukraine with troops...clearing the way for Putin to invade. Unfortunately, America as a result, will lose credibility and the trust of small nations in the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. And, for Israel, the message is clear! in a crunch we can only depend on ourselves...


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