ITAI’s Special Bulletin #XXI - The Meaning of the Ninth of Av in the Jewish Calendar

By: Joseph Puder

August 13, 2024


Today, traditional Jews all over the world are observing the Ninth of Av by fasting, in prayer, and mourning over the destruction of the two Great Temples in Jerusalem. Through the years, the tragedies’ that befell the Jewish people, including the Holocaust, were added to the prayers, and mourning of the day.  But, in the year 5784 of the Jewish calendar, the tragedy of October 7, 2023, was added to the list.


The lessons the Jewish sages drew from the destruction of the temples was that in-fighting among Jews brought about the calamities. Chief among the causes of our calamities was baseless hatred. In fact, the vitriolic discourse that preceded the October 7 massacres, gave the enemies of Israel comfort and confidence that the Jewish state was weak; having seen how divided the Jews were by hatred and contempt.


The antidote to baseless hatred is national unity and mutual love. When the nation of Israel is united it triumphs against all odds. We witnessed such successes during the Six Day War and the War of Independence. On those occasions the political left and right put their disagreements aside and focused on creating a united front. In the battlefields of Gaza today there is no left or right among the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) - there is a unified Israel seeking victory against evil terrorists.


The time has come for the actions of those in the political arena to resemble the soldiers in the field of battle.  They need to leave behind the petty jealousies, and the urge to destroy the other.  A united Israel shall survive and triumph; division will cause the fall and additional mourning for generations to come.


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