BIDEN IS WILLING TO ABANDON ISRAEL TO WIN OVER HIS PARTY’S LEFT-WINGERS. - Senator Schumer has become the last of the “Court Jews”

By: Joseph Puder

Friday, March 22, 2024 


US Senator Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) speech last week on the Senate floor, calling essentially for “regime change” in Israel is not only outrageous, it is galling. Schumer and President Biden didn’t dare call for a regime change in Iran, which is responsible for killing American servicemen not to mention killing its own people and engaging in worldwide terror, but it is seeking to bring down a democratically elected government in the midst of an existential war. Schumer will go down in history as the last of the “Court-Jews.”


The Biden administration is pandering to the arch-terrorist and theocratic regime of Iran as it races unmolested towards a nuclear bomb. The administration provided Iran (on November 14, 2023) with a sanctions waiver upwards of $10 billion, while some in the administration are threatening Israel with withholding arms should Israel seek to complete its campaign to defeat the Hamas terrorists by entering into Rafah. One has to be naïve to believe that the master terrorist in Tehran would abstain from using this windfall to fund Hamas’s continued fight against Israel. The administration lost no time in issuing the waiver – just one month after Hamas murdered 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped 240 civilians, including Americans.


Schumer’s attack on Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu is clearly a subterfuge and done in concert with the administration. In essence they are attacking Israel. The majority of American voters, if polled, would view as unconscionable any action taken by the US government that would compromise the security of the people of Israel in the midst of a war.  Notably though, we see that a large segment of the Democrat party has now become more pro-Hamas than pro-Israel and is using Bibi Netanyahu as the target. It now appears that the Biden administration is keener on rescuing Hamas than supporting Israel’s elimination of Hamas in Gaza.


Netanyahu responded to Schumer, on a televised interview, and noted that Israel is not a “Banana Republic” and that only the people of Israel can decide who will lead them. He also addressed Biden indirectly by saying that “You cannot say you support Israel’s goal of destroying Hamas and then oppose Israel when it takes the actions necessary to achieve that goal.” A column last Thursday in the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronoth, asserted that “ Even if the radical left wing of the Democratic Party does not take over, it is already a permanent force that no Democratic Party leader can ignore.”


Without entering Rafah, Hamas’s last stronghold, and destroying its approximately four battalions, Hamas will come out of the war as a victor, and Israel will return to the pre-October 7 situation – a scenario all Israelis oppose. Moreover, the Israeli residents of the kibbutzim and towns surrounding Gaza will not return to their former homes unless the threat of repeated Hamas attacks is eliminated.


The Biden administration and its supporting media have repeatedly cried out about the displaced and starving Palestinians in Gaza, but one never hears similar cries of concern for the tortured and starved Israeli hostages in Gaza. Neither the UN, nor the Biden administration, or the European Union are demanding that Hamas allow visitations by neutral organizations to the hostages to verify if they are even alive, let alone check on their physical and mental condition. That is hypocrisy and downright disregard for Jewish lives!


The Biden administration and the anti-Israel left within the Democrat party are using the alleged/unverified 30,000 Palestinian civilian casualties in Gaza to press Israel for a permanent cease-fire. While the Biden administration takes Hamas’s Health Authorities figures as fact, Israel contends that the number does not reflect reality. At least 13,000 Hamas fighters are among the casualties.


The Biden administration is also aware of the fact that Hamas operatives are stealing the aid that Israel is allowing in. Moreover, as is commonly known, many of the Palestinian civilian casualties are as a result of their being used as human shield by Hamas. The terrorist group wants a large body count of its own people so that the international community and the Biden administration will pressure Israel to end the war. Pressure, however, should be put on Hamas, an entity of barbarian like warriors who waged a massacre of Jews the likes of which haven’t been seen since the Holocaust. Israel’s response was and continues to be a defensive war aimed at eliminating Hamas so that the survival of Israel and its people will no longer be in jeopardy.


In his March 14, 2024 speech Schumer declared, “I hope and pray that from the brutal slaying of Israelis by Hamas and the harrowing civilian toll in Gaza, that a two-state solution where Jews and Palestinians can live in peace will prevail.” It is hard to believe that Schumer who is doing the bidding of the administration and appeasing the left-wingers of the Democrat Party is naïve enough to think that a Palestinian state in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) would be any different than Gaza. Just as Hamas took over Gaza it would take over the West Bank.


In the final analysis it isn’t just Netanyahu who is opposed to a Palestinian state now, it is most Israelis. The next two generations of Palestinians have been brainwashed by Hamas, Fatah, the Palestinian Authority, as well as the Palestinian media, mosques, and the educational system in particular, with the belief that only after the destruction of Israel through jihad will Palestinians live in “peace.” It is high time the Biden administration and Senator Schumer consider the fact that as long as the Palestinian mindset is on the destruction of Israel, and not on building democratic institutions, a two-state solution is not a viable solution for the foreseeable future.


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