THE WORLD LOVES DEAD JEWS BUT NOT THE LIVING ONES - Israelis’ response is “the people of Israel live.”

By: Joseph Puder

Friday, May 10, 2024


Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Memorial Day was solemnly memorialized at Yad Vashem last Sunday, a particularly sad day in light of the October 7, 2023, massacres, which marked the largest toll of Jewish-Israelis murdered in a single day since the Holocaust.


Holocaust commemorations took place in the shadow of widespread antisemitism and calls for genocide on campuses throughout the US and the western world, shattering the confidence that Jew-hatred was a thing of the past.


In an interview with Aharon Barak on Israeli TV on Yom HaShoah, the retired former President of Israel’s Supreme Court, and a Holocaust survivor, was asked if he thought a Holocaust could happen again in our time? He unhesitatingly responded with a decisive YES.  He pointed out that at late as 1939, in his native Kovno, Lithuania, no one would have believed that within a short time the most horrific genocide in world history would take place.


The international community, including the antisemites of the United Nations (UN) love to commemorate Yom HaShoah, and busy themselves writing unheeded guidelines on what constitutes antisemitism.  While the UN representatives and many others throughout the world commemorate dead Jews, they have utter contempt for living Jews whom they hate and seek to liquidate - especially the Jewish state.


The antisemitic rioters on US campuses are the harbingers of what is to come, and so when Aharon Barak, a staunch liberal and one of the most humanistically inclined persons in the world, is concerned about another Holocaust in our time, it should worry all of us.


Lest we forget the first steps in the preparation for the Holocaust in Nazi Germany was in the early 1930’s on German campuses. The rioting students demanded the firing of Jewish professors, which proceeded with the burning of books, the intimidation and, ultimately, the expulsion of Jewish students from German universities. 


Antisemitism was mainstreamed in Germany, and there is a similar attempt being orchestrated on American campuses.


Today’s brainwashed students (much like the German students brainwashed by Nazi propaganda) have been indoctrinated by radical Palestinian professors like Rashid Khalidi and Joseph Massad (at Columbia University) and the anti-Israel legacy of Edward Said.  They are funded by Marxist donors, Arab (mostly Qatari) money, and led by domestic and foreign agitators who harass Jewish students with impunity.


A significant number of pro-Hamas American students who come from mainly middle and upper-class homes are privileged, spoiled brats looking for a cause.  They have no clue about Middle East realities.  They raise banners with the word “Genocide” and chant the slogan “From the River to the Sea Palestine must be Free,” and, when asked to name the river or sea these sheep-like elite school students stare vacantly or answer incorrectly.  


Nor, for that matter, do they understand the ramifications of their calls: a genocide against Israeli Jews and the liquidation of the Jewish state. Lost in their mantra training is any semblance of independent thinking and realization that Hamas attacked Israel and perpetrated genocide  on October 7.  Some of these students repeat the lie of Israel committing genocide in Gaza and actually trust Hamas’ casualty numbers. 


If ever there was an army that has painfully sought to safeguard the lives of non-combatants, it is the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).  Ask Colonel Richard Kemp, the former commander of the British Expeditionary Forces in Afghanistan and he would tell you that no army in the world can compare to the humanism of the IDF.  These radicalized students, and many in the corporate media have accepted Hamas’ Health Authority deliberately inflated numbers of casualties, which include the Hamas Nukhba murderers killed by Israeli forces in firefights.  Nor for that matter, will these ignorant students recognize that Hamas is using civilian families and children as human shields.


These students are hoisting the Palestinian flag and trashing the American and Israeli flags, and shouting “We are Hamas.” They are supporting the murderous Hamas Nukhba, who committed unimaginable atrocities on innocent, elderly Israeli Holocaust survivors, raped young and old women, disemboweled pregnant women, and decapitated babies and young children. 


This is what the Ivy League schools of Columbia, Harvard, MIT, Penn, and others have done to your children. Instead of teaching critical thinking they have indoctrinated them with Marxist notions aimed at destroying Judeo-Christian values, and the traditional American way of life.


In Germany of the 1930’s antisemitism became acceptable. In America and the West, in general, antisemitism has been allowed to fester on the campuses, with a complacent government, cowardly university presidents, and administrators. As a result, we are marching towards the abyss, another Holocaust that Aharon Barak can now envision.


The current US administration is reluctant to enforce laws against blind hatred, which is antisemitism.  In a recent speech, President Biden drew moral equivalency between Antisemitism and Islamophobia.  While the only hate on US campuses is that being directed at Jews, Biden opted to placate the pro-Hamas crowds by inserting Islamophobia - where there is none.  Regrettably showing that political considerations rather than moral imperatives are guiding him.


While memorializing dead Jews in his speech at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., Biden, correctly, reminded Americans and others just how fast the Hamas atrocities of October 7 have been forgotten, however, at the same time, his administration has delayed sending approved military supplies to the living Jews of Israel. Biden is no antisemite, but many in his party are. They simply hate a strong and living Jewish state. To that, Israelis respond with Am Yisrael Chai - “The People of Israel Live.”


QATAR- A THREAT TO THE WEST - Former Mossad researcher Udi Levy explained why.


PRESS RELEASE: Antisemitic rioting on US campuses